The dining table shapes that make (or break) your room
Choosing the right table for your kitchen or a dining room can be a daunting
task - you need the correct measurements, there are too many materials to choose from, the color has to match the room, etc.
There are so many tables for sale everywhere. It's so easy to find a place and buy a dining table, but the big question is which is the right table for you and your place?
It doesn’t need to be that hard, so, in this post, you’ll gain some valuable knowledge that will help you choose your next table wisely.
With this article, we are going to start an explanation guide about all of the different types of tables and their important characteristics including shape, capacity, material, style, types of table bases, and table legs.
With this article №1, we are going to start with shape and size.
The size and shape of a table are two factors that are often overlooked by some people. An example I could give you is the home where I grew up – a small apartment. The kitchen is an extremely tiny rectangular room and it’s where we had our meals. So, Naturally, a dining table is set there, in the tiniest room in the apartment. It’s a large oval cherry wood table that takes a fourth of the room space. It has to hug the wall of the room, losing two seats. Add the chairs into the equation and the kitchen already becomes crowded just as you enter.
Choosing the size of the table is an objective matter that depends on the room dimensions and the number of people you will seat. Shape, however, depends entirely on your vision of the space, thus a proper shape can make the dining area look and function better. We’ll take a look at the most common table shapes and how to use them efficiently.
Rectangular Shape.
The rectangular table is a classic among dining tables. This is the shape that probably everyone imagines when hearing a table. The rectangular table is an ideal solution for large and open space. If you have a large and rectangular dining room, the rectangular table shape is perfect for you. You must not forget to provide enough space around the table, which guarantees both easy movement around and comfort when moving chairs or benches.
Benches are another advantage that would make you choose a rectangular table. If you prefer benches instead of chairs and you fall in farmhouse type furniture it is the most well the benches are complemented by a rectangular solid table. If most of the furniture around is massive and solid the best fit should be a rectangular table. The rectangular table is not suitable for square rooms or more compact spaces since the table looks unnatural and asymmetrical if the table is too bulky as a proportion of the room. The compromise solution for fans of rectangular tables that do not have sufficient space for such are the extendable tables, which in everyday life saves us space, and when we have guests they are always helpful to gather more people around.
The rectangular table provides enough space and makes dinner
much more convenient.
Look at an episode of Game of Thrones where there is a feast and you will see long rectangular tables filled to the brim with meat and jugs of wine, meaning that rectangular tables have an exceptional formal quality to them.
Round Shape.
The round shape appears as a contrast to most of its characteristics
the rectangular shape. If you have a square or closer to the square shape of the room, then the round table will fit your home. The round table is ideal if you want your table to be in the corner of the room. If you don't like corners and you are a fan of rounded shapes you will be more happy and satisfied when choosing a round table. Of course, it's a lot important round shape to fit with the design of the room and of course, again don't forget to provide enough space around
the table for easy movement and organization of the chairs.
Any property benefits from a round-shaped table – from the one-bedroom apartment to the luxurious penthouse.
Another major advantage of the round tables are that they can fit more guests due to their lack of edges. Furthermore, they allow your guests to interact more with each other, creating a warm, friendly atmosphere.
Oval Shape.
The oval shape appears as a middle variant between a round and a rectangular shape. If you are annoyed by the corners, you do not like them or the design of your room does not predispose corners, but still think that the round table would not fit your design, the oval table is the perfect answer. The oval shape looks beautiful and elegant in the room. The lack of corners makes the space around the table more spacious.
The movement around the table is easier. Dinner with the family is comfortable and leaves a good dining experience.
Square Shape.
Square-shaped tables, though a bit less popular than their rectangular cousins, can have a high impact on the space they occupy. They are arguably the ultimate space saver and can easily be moved out or placed next to the wall. Square tables are comfortable and practical. They are suitable for both square or smaller rooms as well as for corner spaces of larger or rectangular rooms.
Also, if you are looking to create an intimate atmosphere, the square table
will enhance it for you. Pair it with a nice glass of wine and a home-cooked meal and you will be getting lucky.
Space-saving tips:
For small spaces, it is ideal that you get a
round dining table that can be stretched to an oval – either a square one that can become rectangular. That way, when you have no guests coming, you will gain vital room space in your dining area.
For larger rooms size may not be an issue. Shape, however, is a tricky subject. It all depends on the type of atmosphere you would like to create and your social activities around your dining table.
Fan of sophisticated luxury? Perhaps a larger marble-topped square table
will suit your fancy.
For people who like to experiment, there are free-form tables that do not fall in the above categories.
If you feel ready with your choice you can take a look at our dining tables.
If you need more information, here we have described the types of materials from which tables are usually made and how to choose the perfect material suitable for your home.